Tuesday's slice of bread

A weekly post premised on this: Whoever gives thought to the word will discover good, and blessed is he who trusts in the Lord (Prov. 16:20)

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Location: Florence, Kentucky, United States

married to my best friend, writer, teacher, avid reader, occasional poet, volunteer

Tuesday, May 02, 2017

The Straight and Narrow as I Understand It

The straight and narrow road is hard to find;
God must make your mind
And heart alive to its existence,
Or you will merrily travel the wide road
You were born on--
Dead while thinking you are alive and
Partying with your companions on that
Road so enticing, so straight to hell.
The narrow road, by comparison, is
Wide enough for only two:
The Savior and you.
And you enter it by means of
His cross and resurrection;
And then He is your Companion and Keeper,
Shepherd and Guide, for this life and the next,
Faithful to every word in His Word.

Psalm 23; Matthew 7; Ephesians 2


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